Danielle Marley

Your Great Central Lake Specialist


July 23, 2012

Welcome to my first ever blog. I am going to use this blog as a forum to keep you all posted as to what is going on in the Great Central Lake area, as well as keep you updated and informed on our development projects.


It is overcast here today but I hear we are back on track for hot weather once againCool


We are working hard at Trestle RV Park, getting all the ditches dug and putting in the septic system. 

Since putting the lots on the MLS we are seeing a flurry of action so I am busy giving guided tours to clients and fellow realtors.


Please don’t hesitate to call text or email me if you would like to come and look around. 


I am off now to go do another tourSmile




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#1-4505 Victoria Quay Port Alberni BC V9Y 6G2 CA

Danielle Marley

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